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Shungite tumbled stones

Shungite tumbled stones

Tumbled stones have many possible uses including decoration, ground cover for gardening, vase filler, they can also be made into jewelry or just kept them with you for luck. Our shungite tumbled stones come in four different sizes – from S to XL. These stones are made from regular shungite and contain approximately 30-35% carbon. Our shungite comes from the Zazhoginskaya mine in Karelia. It is black with a matte surface, sometimes with visible inclusions of other minerals such as Pyrite. Sizes and pieces: Size S: 200-250 pcs/kg. Size M: 100-120 pcs/kg. Size L: 50-60 pcs/kg. Size XL: 30-40 pcs/kg. (Price per kilogram)

Colored by Nature.

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