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Shungite square elastic bracelets

Shungite square elastic bracelets

There are many tales and legends about human wrists – people since the beginning of times have considered them to be an especially vulnerable body part. Women used to always cover their wrists with either denser fabrics or jewelry. Men would cover the wrists with special armor or just wrap them with cloth. Nowadays it is not always convenient to wear huge wide bracelets or a large amount of cloth, as it would interfere with your everyday tasks. We`ve got a nice alternative – wear our square shungite bracelets – we`ll never know whether the fears of our ancestors about the wrists are true, but why not play it safe. And beautiful. Because square bracelets look just great on any wrists. The shungite for our square elastic bracelets comes from the Zazhoginskaya mine near the village of Shunga in mysterious and beautiful Karelia.

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